Opportunities To Serve The Church
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Parish Service Opportunities
Your gifts and talents are what make you a special child of God and a blessing to others! “Let your light shine” at Ascension!
The word “acolyte” means “one who serves” and the ministry of acolytes dates from ancient times. Acolytes carry the processional crosses, torches, banners and flags. They help the service run smoothly by lighting candles, distributing the offering plates, and assisting the clergy with the Holy Eucharist. Children can serve as acolytes beginning in first grade and continuing through the end of high school. Adults also serve as acolytes. We provide training as part of the process of becoming an Acolyte.
Healing Prayer Ministry
Healing Prayer Ministries affirms the historic Christian beliefs as contained in our Nicene Creed, which is the definition of our beliefs. We look to the power of the Holy Spirit, to help us serve as vessels of God’s healing power. Healing teams are trained to serve in chapel at 10 am Sunday service. We take prayers in a confidential environment.
We serve in teams of 2. We are also available to go to Homes for healing prayers as requested.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares and maintains the appropriate linens, vessels, books, wine, and bread for all worship services. It is a quiet and contemplative ministry, one of learning, reflection, friendship, and caring. We are always looking for dedicated volunteers, both men and women, who work well in teams and are willing to learn new skills.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild arranges flowers and greenery on the altar in accordance with the church liturgical calendar. We work in teams and rotate every six weeks. Each team is responsible for a week of procuring, arranging, watering, and removing the flowers. We meet from October to May. No experience is necessary to join us. We offer a training workshop once a year.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the Chalice during regular services and at special services as needed. This ministry requires licensing from the diocese. We provide training.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) bring the Eucharist from Church of the Ascension’s Table to members who are unable to be with us on Sunday mornings. LEV’s carry not only the bread and wine in the communion kit but the love and fellowship of the congregation. This ministry begins by undergoing a brief discernment with the rector. It includes training from the diocese, and mentoring by a current LEV.
Lay Readers
Lay Readers serve at the altar during services, reading the lessons and helping with administering the wine during Holy Communion. They receive training and support in both of these functions.
McCune Libary
The McCune Library is on the second floor of our church office. It contains an outstanding collection of books on a wide range of religious philosophies, periodicals, videos, and children’s Christian books to help us explore and enrich our spiritual journey. Volunteers help maintain this important treasure of our church.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee’s mission is two-fold: to grow the membership of our church family and to support new and current members in becoming more involved in the church’s ministries. The committee meets monthly to engage in event planning, strategic thinking, and prayerful discussion.
Music At Ascension
Our music program offers a vibrant, diverse, multi-generational program to worship and praise God. Drawing from the canon of western choral tradition as well as from the present, we sing with our hearts, minds, and spirits. Our music program includes the parish choir, our 5pm services singers and carillon players. Please consider becoming part of our main choir at 10 AM, our alternative choir at 5 p.m., and ringing our carillon before and after worship.
Music Committee
The music committee meets periodically throughout the year to enhance the music program at Church of the Ascension. We discuss ideas for special music. We support guest musicians by raising funds for the music program.
St. Teresa's Guild
St. Teresa’s Guild members reach out to those unable to participate in worship and parish activities. We do this by visiting, taking flowers, mailing greeting cards, and telephoning, so that they will have a sense of community with their church family. The Guild promotes a sense of family and community between Ascension and our homebound parishioners. We meet monthly from September to June.
Ushers assist at Sunday worship by welcoming and seating our parishioners and guests; they also help those with special needs feel welcome and cared for. They help with funerals and wedding services as well as special events. They offer a welcoming presence and assist in the flow and coordination of the service. They are first responders in extraordinary situations. Volunteers are welcome. Training is provided.
Vergers perform a wide variety of tasks that prepare the church for worship and ensure that services proceed in an organized and reverent manner. They supervise Acolytes and Lay Readers and are ready to substitute for either at any time. They also assist at funerals. At Church of the Ascension, both adults and high school youth serve as vergers. Vergers receive training and play their role at Church services and other formal proceedings on a rotating basis.
St. Gabe's Guild (Volunteer Receptionist)
Volunteer receptionists assist in the church office—answering the phone, helping the staff, and greeting and assisting visitors who walk through our door. It is a wonderful and easy way to get to know our church and our church staff. Volunteers can work in the mornings or afternoons. If you feel you cannot commit to working on a regular basis, you can volunteer as a substitute.
These outgoing and dedicated volunteers extend hospitality to all—members and guests—who arrive at our church doors. We serve at Sunday services, welcoming visitors and offering help and information as necessary. We are always looking for volunteers.
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